Update 4: 12,000 CRPG Fans Can’t Be Wrong

Today marks one month (and two days – I’m late!) since the release of the 100-page preview!

And I’m happy to share that more than 12,000 14,000 (!) people downloaded the preview:


I’ll take that as an indicator that there’s some interest for this book! People seem to enjoy the reviews and articles while ignoring the spelling errors (or send corrections by e-mail – thanks!), and a lot of good feedback came in as well. I’ll use them to make the book as good as I can.

My only disappointment is how hard it has been to get some media coverage. In the past month, even with the release of the preview, proving how this isn’t just a crazy idea, we only had one newspost about the project, on Kotaku Brasil. I honestly expected to be easier to promote a free project with names like Chris Avellone, Scorpia and Ian Frazier on board, but that was not the case… can’t imagine how hard it must be then for those with commercial projects.

Regardless, the show must go on! Among the e-mails I received, some people also asked for a web-friendly version of the reviews, so I took some time to create a new sub-menu here on the blog: The Review Index

There I’ll be posting some of the book reviews in article form, so that it’s easier to read on a computer, to link, share, quote, comment, etc…Currently there are 15 reviews there and I’ll be adding more as time goes by. At one point I hope to have all 300 reviews there, making the blog a handy resource for RPG fans!

Thanks to everyone supporting the project, hope to have something cool to share soon!

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